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Trading Floor Solutions

TM Group is the leading trading floor provider in the Nordics. We work with the most advanced cutting-edge solutions for Financial Services Organizations.

Trading Floor illustration

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Why use TM Group
for your next project?

Our success comes from paring world-leading products, with the high level of support we provide. Be that in the Nordics or other locations that our customers are present.

We have a holistic approach to the trading floor. We developed specific expertise in designing, building, and integrating trading floor systems and integrated solutions, including telephony, voice recording, compliance solutions, PC over IP, switches, Zip, Skype, Microsoft Teams, and more.

Our solutions enable simplified deployment, improved security, high availability, scalability, and predictable performance.

Spjutspetsteknik och lösningar för handelsgolv och kapitalförvaltning

På en mycket volatil och ständigt ökande och konkurrensutsatt marknad har vi bevisat att vi kan möta kundernas krav. Vi erbjuder kostnadseffektiva lösningar för handelsgolvet. De uppfyller dagens krav och ger en solid grund för framtida utveckling.

Set of ring binders in the archive

Telefoni för rösthandel

Våra lösningar möter behoven i dagens volatila handelsmiljö. Kunderna står ständigt inför mer reglering, alltmer komplexa affärer och högre konkurrenstryck än någonsin tidigare.

Set of ring binders in the archive

Inspelning av kommunikation

Spela in kommunikation från aktiemäklare och handlare för efterlevnad, för att uppfylla ansvar eller för att få insikt

Set of ring binders in the archive

Design av handelsgolv

Effektiv kommunikation är A och O: Gör allt snabbare och bättre för dina kunder.

Video conference concept. Telemeeting. Web meeting. Webinar.

Möbler för handelsgolv

Våra möbler för handelsgolv är designade för en mängd olika applikationer. De uppfyller alla tekniska och ergonomiska behov, nu och i framtiden.

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Our Products

Trading Floor Design

Where design and infrastructure converge to create the ultimate trading floor experience. Discover how our meticulously crafted spaces and state-of-the-art infrastructure can revolutionize your trading operations and elevate your success.

Voice Trading

At the heart of our offerings is our state-of-the-art Core Voice Trading Platform-solution! By partnering with industry leaders like IPC, as well as niche specialty companies, we’ve crafted an integrated solution that empowers you with unparalleled expertise, knowledge, and experience. Say goodbye to outdated systems and fragmented solutions, and embrace the future of trading with our cutting-edge technology.

Whether you’re on the fast-paced Trading Floor, at the reliable Business Continuity Centre, or working remotely, our uniform solution ensures seamless communications and maximizes your trading potential. Don’t settle for less – revolutionize your trading experience with our modern voice trading solutions!

Inspelning av kommunikation

Inspelning och arkivering av all kommunikation – vare sig det är röstsamtal, snabbmeddelanden eller elektronisk kommunikation – ger en omfattande och korrekt registrering av handelsaktiviteter. Detta säkerställer inte bara överensstämmelse med lagstadgade krav. Det fungerar också som ett värdefullt verktyg för att lösa tvister, genomföra revisioner och analysera marknadstrender.

Built on
Rock-Solid Stability

In the fast-paced world of trading, stability is the bedrock of success. Our trading floors are built on rock-solid foundations, incorporating robust architecture and advanced risk management protocols. You can rely on our systems to provide uninterrupted service, eliminating downtime and ensuring smooth operations even during peak trading hours. Stay focused on your trades, knowing that our platform will never let you down.

Flexible Solutions for Dynamic Traders

We understand that every trader has unique needs and strategies. That’s why our trading floor systems offer unparalleled flexibility. Whether you’re a day trader, institutional investor, or fund manager, our customizable interfaces and modular design adapt seamlessly to your workflow. Tailor the layout, data visualizations, and tools to match your preferences, empowering you to trade your way.

Our Success

As your trading activities expand, our systems grow with you. Scalability is at the core of our trading floor solutions, allowing you to effortlessly accommodate increased trading volumes, additional users, and emerging markets. Our robust infrastructure ensures that your trading floor remains agile and responsive, providing a seamless experience as your business evolves.

Let's get in touch!

Maintain a compliant environment and gain insights from your communication data.

Talk to an Expert

Emil Holmberg

Sales Director

Emil Holmberg

Let our team of experts assist you with your company challenges. We can show you how modern technologies can help your company save on operational, compliance, and risk costs.

+45 30108772

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